Through The Storm
For twenty-six years, my husband worked as a commercial fisherman on the Atlantic Ocean.
I didn't know him back then, but he tells me many stories - how he was in the middle of the stormy sea, fishing at times with category one hurricane. Powerful, dangerous waves would roll over fisherman's boats - claiming lives...
He was only thirteen years of age when he went to the sea to work as a fisherman along his father's side. Since then, he witnessed many fishermen being severely injured or vanishing forever in the cold, outraged waters...
Lost In The Sea
Irish fisherman's villages are full of such stories. When I visited one of the Irish's small towns that used to be a fisherman village, I saw numerous photographs of man lost in the sea - displayed in one of the local restaurants.
Amongst these photographs, there was a family of eleven man who were all lost in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean...
Price of a fish is a price of the fishermen's life...

Star Of The Sea
My husband never owned the fisherman boat; but if he had a boat, he would call in Gaelic: "Reul Alainn A' Chuain"- "Star of the Sea". It's a one of the oldest titles given to Blessed Virgin Mary. As Mother of Jesus - She became also Mother of all Christians throughout the world. This title, translated from Latin "Stella Maris", points out that Blessed Virgin Mary- like a Star of the Sea - breaks through the darkness of the storm.
She is a Star that is completely reflecting the brilliant Light of Her Son - leading us safely to the shore.

Seeing The Light In The Storm
Christ is the Light of the World.
When we take our eyes off Him, we begin to drown in the darkness of this world.
Throughout our lives, we will always enter into the powerful winds and stormy seas. Like an Irish fisherman on the Atlantic Ocean, we will experience cold, outraged waves rolling over our boats of life - leaving devastation behind and make us feel like
we are drowning...
But He will be there, and His Light will illuminate through the horizon - calming the storm by the power of His voice: "Quiet! Be still!"
Then, the wind will die, and the sea will be calm again.